
♥му ъiятнdау♥


can i give up dun study??

skul reopen 2nd day~~
we all hv take the exam result~~
i veli sad in my result~~
i realized can recieve face 2 real~~
y im like tis??
its pass edi~~
cant chg liao de~~
y i oso like tis??
brave 2 recieve real ba~~

2day when i recieve the sc paper~~
my tears is come out edi~~
becoz gt 1 marks i can take B~~
y dun gv mii??
aren't tat world is veli cruel??
my fren comfort mii~~
bt i stil cry~~
my eye red edi~~
cant see ppl~~

hv many ppl take liao 75%~~
they oso dun like wan take 80~~
at tere noisy noisy~~
i here tat i veli angry lool~~
hv 75% dun wan~~
they noe the ppl are get less mark d mood mar??

i hv a thinking~~
i study veli hard~~
bt stil get a bit d marks~~
tere no study d ppl unexpectedly take high marks then gt study d ppl~~
y no impartial??
tat is hurt mii edi~~
so i hv think wan study edi??give up dun study??
i can like tis mar??
tat wil hurt my family~~
they wil dissapointed~~
bt i can do wat??
i reli veli hard jor~~
y cant take high marks!!!!
i hate study!!!
i study many i can hv a little return??
y no??
y dun happen on my d life??
veli hate lol!!!!!!
my fren oso~~
she see mii cry then oso cry~~
she oso study hard~~
bt stil take bad result~~
y tis world is veli cruel??!!!!

hate!!!! my life!!!stress!!!!i hv a feeling then death wil in front mii!!!!~~~~

