today im go jusco vf shuxin~~
i oso gt go vf huixin~~
i long time no see her jor~~
miz her~~
finally see her jor~~
she lengleng+QQ jor~~
dai gor lui jor~`
veli tall jor n fatfat jor~~haha
aiyeryer gt bf jor~~
wish u hapi everyday~~
mii, shuxin n my sis go see movie~~
yer tat huixin no acompany mii~~
she juz vf her fren chat here chat tere~~
we no easy meet every day~
bcoz she go singapore study~~
nw holiday juz bc jiek~~
she 24day wan bc tere jor~~
nex time if she bc must go out every day vf her jor~~
so hard d oppurturnity neh~~~
must miz mii o~
we see tat night at the museum~~
so nice n so droll~~
bcoz the thing at the museum will move d ~~
haha so cute~
in the cinema,
the aircon cold dao mii n shuxin wan til dead jor~~
we no bring jacket juz mii sis bring onli~~
stupid dao~~
we cold dao ber da han a~~
after seeing~~
we go meet huixin~~
sohai d
she go see movie jor!!!!
its call no fate?
i think is gua~~ haiz
mii shuxin n my sis take jor many many pic~~
nw let u see ba~~
pls leave comment o~~
we no easy meet every day~
bcoz she go singapore study~~
nw holiday juz bc jiek~~
she 24day wan bc tere jor~~
nex time if she bc must go out every day vf her jor~~
so hard d oppurturnity neh~~~
must miz mii o~
we see tat night at the museum~~
so nice n so droll~~
bcoz the thing at the museum will move d ~~
haha so cute~
in the cinema,
the aircon cold dao mii n shuxin wan til dead jor~~
we no bring jacket juz mii sis bring onli~~
stupid dao~~
we cold dao ber da han a~~
after seeing~~
we go meet huixin~~
sohai d
she go see movie jor!!!!
its call no fate?
i think is gua~~ haiz
mii shuxin n my sis take jor many many pic~~
nw let u see ba~~
pls leave comment o~~
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那里都可以8下~不用管~又可以同男孩子玩哦~又可以同男孩子抱哦~ 傻的~我不正常了~我都不懂我是不是女孩子来的~哈哈。~~~我真的没有男朋友~可是,很多男孩子都像我的男友的~~哈哈。~~啦啦啦啦~我真的很对不起哦~ 等下次我只同你们出啦。~ok???不好意思~sorry~ im so sorry~~~~
还有还有。 我真的肥了啊??死了咯。。。要减肥了~~~~我会记得你是我的好友的啦~哈哈哈哈哈哈~啦啦啦啦啦啦·~傻的傻的~
回复删除ur english so gud o...haha
回复删除mii eng so bad d~~ my eng d result oso bad lol~~ so no gud jiek~~